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Training and Development

Have you identified some training needs for your people?


Do you want to develop the capacity of your people?


Are you thinking about the future and want to ensure your people can grow into leadership roles? 

I have been teaching organizations and leaders of organizations for most of my career. I believe that developing people is one of the keys to getting the best from them. When people are developing, they are engaged. When people lack development they can become anchors (or even worse, toxic).


You may just need some people-skill development or you may want learning to be a  transformational experience. I can create the learning and development opportunities that will be designed to deliver on your specific needs or you can select from a range of pre-built modules that are modified to suit your particular context.


Some examples of existing workshops are; "Building Conflict Competence"; "The Keys to Collaboration"; "Leading without Power"; "Collaboration by Design"; and my senior executive retreat "Being the leader you want to be". I have many more so let's talk and build something awesome! To find out more, book a free phone call or email Lane at

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